Research Affiliate Membership Form

eviDent Research Affiliates are eviDent DPBRN members who voluntarily respond to eviDent surveys and participate in retrospective studies by allowing members of eviDent project teams to attend their practice and collect relevant data.

Membership details

  • Membership is free
  • Confidentiality is maintained as data collected will be kept only on the eviDent database and will not be distributed to other organisations without permission


  • Opportunity for involvement in research, without being ‘hands-on’
  • Regular eNews and invitations to attend professional networking events
  • Access to project information and results
  • Access to a ‘members’ only’ section of the eviDent website
  • Opportunity to bring research findings into effect more rapidly
  • Opportunity to influence policy
  • Continuing professional development opportunities
  • Opportunity to suggest and develop research projects

Register your interest below.

  1. Personal Information

  2. Title*
    Please make a selection
  3. Other*
    Please enter title
  4. Full Name*
    Please enter your full name
  5. Position*
    Please make a selection
  6. Other*
    Please enter title
  7. Email Address*
    Please enter your email address
  8. Phone Number*
    Please enter your phone number
  9. Mobile Number
    Invalid Input
  10. Fax Number
    Invalid Input
  11. Postal Address*
    Please enter your address
  12. Suburb*
    Please enter your suburb
  13. State*
    Please make a selection
  14. Postcode*
    Please enter your postcode
  15. Password

    Enter a password to use when your membership is approved.

    You will use your email address and this password to access the members area.

  16. Password*
    Please enter a password!
  17. Verify Password*
    Retype the password!
  18. Declaration

  19. I declare that:*
    Please tick the boxes.
  20. I declare that:*
    Please tick the box
  21. I declare that:*
    Please tick the box
  22. *
    Invalid Input